On the catwalk
Jag har en kanal som heter Star! Just nu visas Fashion week by Berns - Fashion Rocks in Stockholm. Jag trodde det skulle vara rätt coolt. Det är det också, förutom att modellerna inte kan dansa. Bakgrunderna och banden gör ett bättre jobb än dom.
Im have a channel called Star! At the moment Fashion week by Berns - Fashion Rocks in Stockholm is on. I thought it'd be pretty cool. It is, except that the models cant dance. The backgounds and the bands make a better job than them.
Im have a channel called Star! At the moment Fashion week by Berns - Fashion Rocks in Stockholm is on. I thought it'd be pretty cool. It is, except that the models cant dance. The backgounds and the bands make a better job than them.